EPIS Magazine
Einblicke und Analysen in Politik und internationale Beziehungen
Das EPIS Magazine ist eine vierteljährlich erscheinende Publikation des EPIS ThinkTank, die wissenschaftliche Artikel von Experten und Studenten aus den Bereichen Politik und internationale Beziehungen enthält. Es bietet tiefgreifende Analysen und Kommentare zu globalen Themen und schlägt eine Brücke zwischen etablierten Wissenschaftlern und neuen Stimmen.
Armament Supply For Ukraine
Whether Ukraine is supported by arms deliveries or whether this only prolongs a devastating war is a difficult question. Diplomacy does not seem to be able to provide an answer to this. Diplomatic channels - also in connection with arms policy - are essential for Europe and the world.
Future Combat Air Systems (FCAS)
Visionaries of European strategic autonomy have engaged in many initiatives to reduce European dependency on U.S. weapon technology. Most recently, the Future Air Combat Systems (FCAS) project has emerged. The following study will attempt to answer whether projects like FCAS genuinely contribute to the future of European strategic autonomy or simply sell old wine in new bottles.
Geostrategic Aircraft Carrier
The paper examines Gotland's strategic importance amid evolving regional security dynamics, focusing on its potential role in deterring conflict. It discusses the historical context, contemporary security challenges, and Sweden's military investments on the island. Emphasizing the shift from neutrality to deterrence, it suggests Gotland's significance in the broader NATO context.
How to Hug a Panda
China's rapid rise has prompted an extensive reevaluation of national security, technological competition, and trade dependencies in the West. Recent strategy documents published by major Western nations all name China and Chinese actions as of geopolitical concern. Therefore, it becomes vital to assess its influence on Western societies and politics and adequately respond to or even counter these influences in an era of ever more geopolitical contestation.
Looking Out For Sovereignty
Facing a multitude of crises in an increasingly multi-order world, Europe is experiencing a politicisation of European security policy integration. We propose a two-dimensional theoretical framework, in which two distinct conceptions of sovereignty - one shaped by the interests of security and one by those of national autonomy clash in the postfunctional mass arena.
Natural Resources
A recurring theme when it comes to natural resources is their perception as a curse or blessing for the countries that possess them. While some scholars argue that the discovery of natural resources is one of the key drivers of corruption and the weakening of democratic institutions, others even claim them as a prerequisite for economic development.
Navigating Troubled Waters
The article discusses the current security challenges in the Black Sea region. The war in Ukraine has revealed vulnerabilities within NATO, including the lack of a cohesive regional identity and insufficient capabilities of some member states. Steps have been taken since 2022 to address these issues, including the establishment of new battle groups and regional defence plans. The text concludes with policy recommendations, emphasising the need for improved defence posture and increased allied military presence to deter Russian aggression.
Opinion Building About Israel-Palestine Conflict
The Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the most enduring and complex geopolitical issues in modern history. The conflict's complexity makes it hard to easily form a clear opinion on that issue. It is rooted in deep historical, religious, and nationalistic disputes. At its core, it encompasses a struggle over land, peace, and sovereignty, with profound implications for the people living in the region and for international peace and security.
The Effect of Double Tax Treaties On Foreign Relations
Double Tax Treaties influence the participating states’ tax revenue. In the past, they have been accompanying the rise and fall of diplomatic contact. The article highlights the role of such treaties as a bargaining chip, even in times in which the international tax regime moves away from influential countries to influential international institutions.