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Led by

Felix Heuner

The Working Group: Eurasia provides monthly briefings on current foreign and security policy matters in the region. Eurasia, a geopolitical expanse from Eastern Europe to Central Asia, includes major powers like Russia and emerging economies such as Kazakhstan. With a combined population exceeding 300 million, the region is pivotal in energy politics and regional conflicts. Our analyses shed light on these complexities and their global implications.

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September Brief: The Temporary Protection Directive vs. The Dublin Agreement: The sleeping beauty of the European Union?

The Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) was activated for the first time in 2022 for Ukrainian refugees. While effective, its temporary nature raises concerns.


August Report: Mongolia - Perfect Partner
for Diversification

Mongolia is an attractive partner to diversify partnerships of European countries. Its raw materials and strategic location make it valuable.


July Brief: The Shadow Network: How Kazakh and Kyrgyz Firms Facilitate Sanction

Following 2022 sanctions, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan helped Russia bypass restrictions on dual-use goods, leading to tighter US and EU countermeasures.


June Brief: The Axis of Rogues

The Axis of Rogues undermines the Western-led order. Iran and North Korea arm Russia in its Ukraine invasion, while China strengthens ties with Russia.


May Brief: Georgia's New “Foreign Agents” Law

Georgia's new foreign agents law labels NGOs with significant foreign funding as working for foreign powers, harming its EU accession prospects and drawing criticism for being anti-democratic.


April Brief: Ukraine’s Presidential Elections - The Workings of a Post-Soviet Democracy

Ukraine prides itself as a post-Soviet democracy. However, to what degree is the lack of upcoming elections a constitutional limitation or an excuse for democratic backsliding?


March Brief: Behind the Ballots of the 2024 Russian Presidential Election: Insights and Implications amidst an Ongoing War

In the upcoming Russian presidential elections, President Putin is expected to portray himself as the unchallenged leader, maintaining his dominance over the Russian state.


February Brief: The Possible EU-Enlargement to Ukraine - Conditions & Obstacles

In this briefing, we look at the question of EU -Enlargement to Ukraine and check if Kyiv fulfills the Copenhagen Criteria.


Alexander Zell

Leonie Nienhaus

Paula Bisa

Arne Ronneberger

Mara Sandru

Björn Kühn

Marijn Rijk

Dema Elya

Niklas Spilker

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